
카비리아 2017. 6. 6. 01:56

What we see in Alien is different from what we watch. The movie is strung along with sequences of action and suspense, and what we see is a strong female character navigating through what had traditionally been a man’s world. Despite what the narrative structure gives us, what we watch is a female character created by a male writer and directed by a male filmmaker, through the lens of all the social and gender biases that culminates into what Press calls our “social expectation of reality” (144). This “male gaze” may have contributed to the success of the film’s use of special effects (a feature traditionally reserved for films with male protagonists), its portrayal of war and the military (again, a feature traditionally reserved for male characters), and it may have allowed a film that appears pro-feminist and gender-empowering on the surface to navigate the complex social expectations of an audience who themselves will view the movie through their own gender biases. Alien, then, is both pro and anti-feminist at the same time; while we see an empowering tale with a female protagonist on the surface, we watch the story play out through the male gazes of the filmmaker and everyone else who had a hand in its production.

에이리언의 페미니즘 이슈에 관한 리뷰 찾아보다 읽었는데 재밌네 ㅋㅋ

나도 여성이지만 어렵다..결국 페미니즘이라는것도 남성관점에서 생각해버리는 경우가 많으니 크으으

이 리뷰를 읽다보니 생각나는건 매드맥스인데, 개인적으로 매드맥스에서 가장 흥미로운 캐릭터는 스플렌디드였다고 생각하고, 이 영화는 '강인한 여전사' 퓨리오사가 주인공으로 등장하는것보다 전투능력은 없지만 각자의 주체적인 역할을 하고있는 4명의 또다른 여성이 존재했기때문에 조지밀러가 페미니즘 측면에서 참 많이 연구한 영화구나 싶었다. 그저 남성관점에서 여성에게 액션 히어로 캐릭터만 던져주는게 아니라 여성성 그 자체에 대한 고민을 한 흔적들이 확연하게 보였다고 할까나

반면 리들리 스콧은 sf 호러를 만들고 싶었을뿐....ㅋㅋㅋ 뭔가 매드맥스랑 비교하고 까는거 같은데 어쨌든 에이리언은 넘나 재밌는것 ㅋㅋ 휴일에 전편 다 복습이나 해야지~